A block chain based approach for drug traceability in healthcare supply chain
S A Madival , Computer science and engineering & Sharnbasva University
Shivani Bilgundi , Computer science and engineering & Sharnbasva University
Abstract - Healthcare supply chains are intricate networks that go across numerous organisational and geographic boundaries and serve as the structural backbone for many services that are essential to daily living. Such systems' intrinsic complexity makes it possible to add impurities like erroneous data, a lack of transparency, and a weak data provenance. One result of these restrictions within the current supply chains is the production of counterfeit medications, which not only has a substantial negative impact on people's health but also costs the healthcare sector a great deal of money. Thus, current research has highlighted the requirement for a strong, end-to-end track and trace system for pharmaceutical supply chains.To ensure product safety and get rid of fakes, the pharmaceutical supply chain needs a comprehensive product tracking system. The majority of track and trace systems currently in use are centralised, which causes problems with data privacy, transparency, and authenticity in healthcare supply chains. In this paper, we describe an Ethereumblockchain-based strategy for effective product traceability in the healthcare supply chain that makes use of smart contracts and decentralised off-chain storage. The smart contract gives a secure, immutable history of transactions to all stakeholders and ensures data provenance. It also does away with the need for middlemen. We outline the system architecture and comprehensive algorithms that underpin the fundamental operations of our suggested solution. We test and validate the system, offer a cost and security analysis, and assess its efficiency in enhancing traceability.within the networks that sell drugs.
Key Words:Block chain, Security, block size, hash code