Centralized Platform for Streamlining Campus Placement
1Omraje Patil, 2Akshay Raut, 3Vineet Sakpal, 4Dipraj Vasav, 5Prof. Amar Chadchankar
1, 2, 3, 4 5 Department of Computer Engineering & Zeal College of Engineering and Research, Pune, India
Abstract - The training and placement (TnP) cell plays a vital role in colleges, ensuring smooth coordination between students and potential employers. The development of a web portal for the TnP cell aims to streamline and automate tasks that were previously done manually, such as collecting student information for company-specific application forms. This platform will serve as a centralized database, storing student details, including personal information, academic qualifications, skills, resumes, and more.
With this portal, students will be able to log in, browse, and apply for recruitment drives that match their interests. Additionally, the TnP cell will have access to all necessary student data, which will aid in managing the placement process more efficiently. A key feature of the system is the integration of a machine learning model that, based on historical data of previously placed students, will analyze a candidate’s performance and suggest the type of company they may be best suited for.
This system is designed to offer comprehensive support to the TnP cell by automating processes, reducing manual errors, and organizing placement-related tasks. Furthermore, it will provide valuable insights by summarizing both recent and past placement data, benefiting both the TnP cell and the students. By offering an organized, data-driven approach to placements, this web portal will enhance the overall efficiency of the college’s placement activities..
Key Words: Admin Module, Student Module, Campus Placement Management, Recruitment Portal, Placement Drives, Job Application Tracking, Data Visualization, Test Series for Practice, Feedback System, Training and Placement Officer (TPO) Dashboard.