An Analysis on Optimizing Worklife Balance Programmes and Enhancing Employee Satisfaction in HR Initiatives at EDLERNITY, Vidyaranyapura
Author 1: Haritha P
IV Sem MBA, RRIAS, RR Institutions
Bangalore University, Bangalore
Email ID:
Author 2: Megha K Murthy
Assistant Professor, RRIAS, RR Institutions
Bangalore University, Bangalore
Email ID:
The balance between work life and personal life has become increasingly important in today's workplace, affecting employee satisfaction, productivity, and retention. This study focuses on evaluating the effectiveness of work-life balance programs at Edlernity, Vidyaranyapura in improving employee satisfaction through innovative HR strategies. The research aims to analyse the current WLB strategies to identify strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities, and propose data-driven solutions for improvement.
Utilizing a mixed-methods approach, the study collects data through structured surveys, semi-structured interviews, and an analysis of organizational HR records. The survey includes employees from different positions and lengths of service to assess how they view current work-life balance (WLB) programs. Interviews with human resources (HR) managers offer insights into the goals and obstacles of implementing these initiatives. The research demonstrates the potential benefits of using data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) tools to customize WLB strategies based on individual preferences. It also emphasizes the importance of creating a culture that values work-life integration rather than strict work-life separation in order to enhance overall satisfaction levels.
This study adds to the larger conversation on human resource management by highlighting the interconnected nature of organizational objectives and employee welfare. The results are anticipated to offer guidance for HR specialists at Edlernity Vidyaranyapura and comparable companies in crafting enduring and significant work-life balance programs. Through acknowledging employee needs and harmonizing HR approaches with corporate goals, the research strives to cultivate a more involved, content, and productive workforce.