Experimental Study of Solar Water Heater and Steam Generator Using Cylindrical Concentrator with Active Tracking and Data Update
Shyamali V. Thakare1, Vijay Gore2, Prakash Ingle3
1PG Student, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering(Thermal Engg.), P.R.Pote(Patil) college of engineering & management, Amravati, Maharashtra, Amravati
2Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering(Thermal Engg.), P.R.Pote(Patil) college of engineering & management, Amravati, Maharashtra, Amravati
3Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering(Thermal Engg.), P.R.Pote(Patil) college of engineering & management, Amravati, Maharashtra, Amravati
Abstract -Steam generation with low-cost and excellent energy efficiency is of great significance for an energy crisis, reducing water pollution. However, there are still numerous challenges for solar steam generation system to practical energy utilization. In this review, Our systematic investigation provided a clearer understanding of how to improve the steam generation rate, energy conversion rate, including improving light absorption, reducing heat loss, and optimizing water supply. This article aims to make a comprehensive review of Solar Water Heater and Steam Generator Using Cylindrical Concentrator with active tracking and data update device. By using active tracking device the solar radiation can be incident directly on the cylindrical reflector which is connected to water reservoir. Electronic control unit will give accurate and real time readings. Further by using Data updater device will keep previous recordings accurately. Concentrating collectors absorbs solar energy and convert it into heat for generating hot water, steam at required temperature, which can be further used for solar thermal applications. The developing countries like India where solar energy is abundantly available; there is need to develop technology for harnessing solar energy for power production.
Key Words: Active Tracker, Battery panel, Cylindrical reflector, Copper wire at collector, Display, Gravity flow fluid, Manual Data, Micro-controller, Motor driver, Photo sensor.