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- Create Date 20/05/2024
- Last Updated 20/05/2024
Accident Detection and Reporting System Using GSM and GPS Technology and Traffic Clearance for Ambulance
K. Avinash Reddy, SV. Karthik, P.Arvind, K.Raghvendra, Miss.Y.Sowjanya
The purpose of this project work is to detect the position of the vehicle met with an accident automatically. The vehicle’s geographical position and status is transmitted in the form of latitude & longitude values through GSM and GPS to the concern authorized mobile. Two parameters i.e., latitude and longitude will describe the location anywhere on the Earth. The co-ordinates data will be acquired by the GPS receiver which will be fed to the microcontroller to display in the LCD. Whenever the vehicle is crashed, location information will be transmitted to the concern mobile automatically. The collision sensing is done with bumping sensor. Based on this signal, the controller collects the longitude & latitude data from GPS receiver and is transmitted to the concern mobile through GSM module.
The location of the vehicle is indicated using GPS (Global Positioning System) technology. Communication link between the vehicle and mobile is made possible through a GSM modem. GPS will give the information of parameters like longitude & latitude, based on this information; the crashed vehicle position can be identified very easily. The advantage of using GSM (Global System for Mobile) technique is that it doesn’t have any range restriction; the data can be acquired from anywhere from the world. The vehicle details and mobile number are stored in the microcontroller. Whenever the vehicle is crashed, the Microcontroller gets the location of vehicle by the GPS modem and sends the message to the mobile using GSM modem.
In addition to clear the traffic for the ambulance at the signal post a communication system installed in the ambulance can clutch the traffic at signals until it crosses the crowded area. The system is designed for junction/cross-roads, where often ambulance has to wait until the normal traffic is cleared. This is quite inconvenience for the patient who needs immediate treatment. There by this system is designed which can by-pass the existing signaling system temporarily.
The demo module is constructed with four side signaling system for normal operation, means one junction is simulated for the demo purpose. Here in addition to the existing signal posts, separate signals must be installed to clear the way to the ambulance. Junctions are known as circles where flow of traffic is restricted from all four sides. In addition to the normal signaling system, four additional red indicators must be installed at all four corners of the junction. As the driver know from which way he is approaching, the corresponding key has to be activated from the data transmitting module. Based on this signal, the control circuit installed at junction switches off the normal signaling system through a relay and energizes the red indicators automatically. As the embedded system can identify the approaching way, except this way signal for the remaining three ways will be red, there by traffic will be clutched and way for the ambulance will be cleared. During normal time these indicators remains in off condition, whenever the ambulance is approaching from a specific way, the driver has to activate the corresponding key from the transmitter. Likewise all four sides’ traffic can be controlled according to the approaching way of ambulance. After crossing the circle, simply by pressing reset key from the ambulance, the signals are restored automatically. The same system can be implemented in VVIP vehicles also.