Evaluating Consumer Behavior and Sustainable Apparel Consumption: A Study on Awareness and Influencing Factors
Author1: Kanika Rana, Research Scholar, Amity Business School, Amity University, Uttar Pradesh; Email: kanikarana71@gmail.com
Author2: Dr. Sonali P. Banerjee, Asst. Professor, Amity Business School, Amity University, Uttar Pradesh; Email: spbanerjee@amity.edu
This study examines the determinants of sustainable garment consumption, with a focus on consumer consciousness, attitudes, and actions using the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) as a framework. The study investigates several crucial variables, namely product knowledge (PK), consumer awareness (CA), environmental awareness (EA), consumer value (CV), motivation (MOT), purchase intention (PI), and actual buying behavior (BB). The study used Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) to validate the constructs and investigate the interactions between these components. The findings indicate that consumer attitudes are highly influenced by product knowledge, with consumers who are well-informed showing more positive opinions towards sustainable apparel. Consumer and environmental awareness are important factors that contribute to subjective norms and perceived behavioral control. The role of perceived value and motivation on behavioral intentions is further emphasized, underscoring the significance of ethical and environmental values in motivating sustainable purchases. Although individuals may have favourable attitudes and intentions, real obstacles such as financial constraints and limited access impede the transformation of these intentions into tangible purchasing actions. This study highlights the importance of implementing specific tactics to increase consumer involvement and encourage the adoption of sustainable fashion practices. It provides significant information for companies and policymakers who are interested in promoting environmentally conscious buying habits.
Keywords: sustainable apparel, ethical value, environmental value, sustainable purchase.