Industrial Waste Management and Fire Detection Using Arduino UNO
Mr D.Veeraswamy, G. Harikiran, B. Govardhan, T. Vishal krishna
Dept. of ECE Institute of Aeronautical Engineering Hyderabad, India
ABSTRACT - At present, people all over the world have come up with various systems using the Internet of Things (IoT) technology making human life smart. Since the mobile communication and the internet took a form that is accessible anywhere and at any time, there is a lot of latitude to manipulate the devices from remote locations. The solid waste management is one of the major concerns today worldwide because of the improper implementation of garbage removal from the villages, towns, and cities endangers the residents and it is the source for new diseases. Therefore with the concern of time, it is always important to incorporate some technology to resolve the issue of garbage management. In a conventional existing system, if monitoring and related activities and also garbage disposal are done by mankind, it becomes time- consuming, hence complementing the conventional approach with some aspects of IoT, then trashing of dirt bins will be manageable. some drawbacks are fire detection when fire occurs in dustbin. Why because it will imagine different ends and will imagine some other details which are also important like information needed about the exact starting point of the fire and information about the possibility to reach the building security office because we need to get in touch with a person who’s main purpose there is to look after the place all the time. If there is a risk of fire accident how should we connect all security members to the system as to get a message when a fire has occurred out accidentially in order to cut down the time used in evacuation procedures? Once a security guard receives such a warning, within a few seconds, everybody in the vicinity of the fire alarm will be a victim of the fire. And the same scenario will be repeated by all the security personnel at every point of the fire parameters.
Keywords: garbage, sensors, smart cities, and the internet of things (IoT).