Sahana P1, Shantha G2, Sharath Kumar K3, Thejas N S4, Varsha V5
1Sahana P, department of EEE & Vidya Vikas institute of engineering and technology
2Shantha G, department of EEE & Vidya Vikas institute of engineering and technology
3Sharath Kumar K, department of EEE & Vidya Vikas institute of engineering and technology
4Thejas N S, department of EEE & Vidya Vikas institute of engineering and technology
5Varsha V, Assistant Professor, department of EEE & Vidya Vikas institute of engineering and technology
Abstract - Agriculture is the primary source of revenue for India's population, which accounts for nearly 60% of the country's total. Farmers work in their fields to cultivate various crops based on the environment and resources available. Farmers must use large quantities of pesticides to increase food production in order to meet such high food demand for such a large population. Traditional manual pesticide spraying operations is full of direct exposure to the pesticide liquid work environment, great harm to human body and when this pesticide may come into contact with the farmer during spraying, which may trigger skin cancer and asthma illnesses. Increased pesticide spraying can impact consumer health as it enters the food chain. The widespread use of pesticides in agriculture presents significant health risks to both farmers and consumers. The pesticide spraying robot is equipped with state-of-the-art sensors to record real-time temperature and humidity levels, providing crucial environmental data for optimized pesticide application. Farmers can remotely control the robot using a user-friendly interface, instructing it to perform specific spraying tasks while maintaining a safe distance from potentially hazardous chemicals. To address this challenge, this paper proposes a Pesticide Spraying Robot designed to minimize human contact during operation while prioritizing human health through advanced environmental monitoring and remote-control capabilities.