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- Create Date 20/03/2024
- Last Updated 20/03/2024
The Empirical Study on the Role of Ethics in Hospitality Industry
Hospitality is treating people like you would want to be treated when you are travelling. In other words, it means making a tourist feel totally welcome not only as your guest, but also the guest of the complete family of the Hotel. Hospitality is genuine smiling face.
Hospitality can be termed as a deliberate, planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain mutual understanding between an organization and the public i.e., the business of making and keeping friends, and promoting an atmosphere of better understanding. As per the Oxford Dictionary Hospitality is defined as "Reception and entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers with liberality and goodwill." The word hospitality is derived from the Latin word "Hospitalities". Hospitality activity covers everything - providing attentive and courteous services, facilities and amenities to a traveller, meeting and greeting him at the door, providing efficient and caring service of food and beverage to him in his room i.e., providing "A Home away from Home", and making his visit a memorable and pleasant experience. Reception, welcome and, in general, the treatment of a guest or a stranger in the friendliest manner is Hospitality. In most of the countries all over the world a guest is received with a great amount of courtesy and warmth and is provided with entertainment. The basic concept of Hospitality is to make the guest feel that he has come amongst friends and that GUESTS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME. The hospitality can be defined as a “a Dimension of the travel and tourism industry encompassing the lodging and foodservice industry.”
Ethics is a branch of philosophy that studies the difference between right and wrong. All of us have opportunities to choose between right and wrong every day, we see in the business press, getting it wrong can lead to serious consequences, including corporate failure, loss of reputation, fines or even jail sentences. Etymologically the term "ethics" correspond to the Greek word "ethos" which means character, habit, customs, ways of behaviour, etc. Ethics is also called "moral philosophy". The word "moral" comes from Latin word "mores" which signifies customs, character, behaviour, etc. Thus, ethics may be defined as the systematic study of human actions from the point of view of their rightfulness or wrongfulness, as means for the attainment of the ultimate happiness. It is the reflective study of what is good or bad in that part of human conduct for which human has some personal responsibility. In simple words ethics refers to what is good and the way to get it, and what is bad and how to avoid it. It refers to what ought to be done to achieve what is good and what ought not to be done to avoid what is evil.
As a philosophical discipline, ethics is the study of the values and guidelines by which we live. It also involves the justification of these values and guidelines. It is not merely following a tradition or custom. Instead, it requires analysis and evaluation of these guidelines in light of universal principles. As moral philosophy, ethics is the philosophical thinking about morality, moral problems, and moral judgements. Hospitality is the relationship between guest and host, or the act or practice of being hospitable. Specifically, this includes the reception and entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers, resorts, membership clubs, conventions, attractions, special events, and other services for travellers and tourists. The hospitality industry consists of broad category of field, within the service industry that includes lodging restaurants, event planning, theme parks, transportation cruise line, and additional fields within the tourism industry. The hospitality industry is a several billion Dollar industry that mostly depends on the availability of leisure time and disposable income.
Employees constitute one of subtle human resources available to an organization that when well utilized can result to an immense success of an organization both in terms of expansion and profitability. One of the mechanisms of harnessing employees’ abilities is by orienting them to a common organizational behaviour based on a common prescribed organizational code of ethics. In the context of this research proposal, ethics refers to standards of behaviours or conducts. It entails evaluating individual values, possession of knowledge on communal principles, and individual standards (Beran, 2009, p.987). It also entails the development of the capacity to make well-informed choices and the realization of the impacts of the choices made both in short-term and long-term basis. Ethical practices in hotels help hoteliers ensure guest and employee satisfaction while protecting the brand's reputation. Fostering an environment based on mutual respect between guests and staff is crucial for ongoing success. provide an organization with more opportunity to attract new clients, maintain loyal customers, stand apart from the competition, and grow in revenue.