The impact of Teacher Professional Development on Students Achievement
Sukhpreet Kaur
Assisstant Professor
Baba Farid College Of Education,Bathinda
Research has established that Teacher quality is the most influential factor in determining student achievement .The role of teachers is fundamental to discussion about educational institutions, and features prominently in education policy conversations both directly and indirectly. Given that a significant portion of educational funding is allocated to teachers ,focusing on their development is crucial .(Hanushek et al, 2006 ). In addition to improving test scores ,effective instructors manage classroom behaviour,foster a positive learning environment that supports students social and emotional development ,and provide high -quality instruction that promotes intellectual growth. ( Blazar and others,2017).
Teacher professional development (TPD) refers to structured training aimed at improving students performance.Teacher professional development refers to “structured, facilitated activity for teachers intended to increase their teaching ability”(Sims & Fletcher-Wood, 2021, p. 7).Teacher professional development (TPD) programs have been arranged to aid teachers in developing AfL in their classrooms (Kippers et al , 2018).
Instructional Development is viewed as an outcome of activities that are both job-integrated and externally supported, enhancing instructors' understanding and helping them adjust their methods to better encourage student learning (Hammond et al.,2017). Fabriz et al. (2022) argued that exercises encouraging beneficial encounters using instruction-related knowledge and abilities as well as more profound thought on academically positions in educational institutions need to be featured in TPD for educational personnel. Muammar and Alkathiri (2021) discuss about the development and implementation of TPD programs centered around the issues that educators who attend these programs truly find troubling.
This review synthesizes findings from various studies on the impact of TPD on the students achievement .Researchers such as yoon et al.(2007) and Guskey(2002) finds that TPD improves the student learning when it is focused on teacher learning and changes in instructional practices .The scope of this review includes an analysis of various professional development models ,their impact on instructional practices, and the relationship between TPD and student achievement .It also explores recent trends in Technology enhanced Professional development ,Initiatives and the barriers that affect successful PD implementation in educational settings .