The impact of Green Training on Green Manufacturing with a mediating effect of Firm size
Sweta Jain1
Sweta Jain1, Research Scholar, Department of Management Studies, Christ University
Associate Professor, Department of Fashion Technology, National Institute of Fashion Technology,
Bengaluru, India
Green manufacturing is a common jargon used by many manufacturing companies and researchers. There is a dire need for companies, and especially those engaged in manufacturing activities, to take a proactive, rather than a reactive, approach in this regard. The aim of the paper is to find the impacts of green training on green manufacturing practices with a mediating effect of firm size in Apparel Manufacturing Industry. The study investigates the effects using a pretested structured questionnaire. Data was collected using a survey method using a scales with 120 complete and usable responses. We find that constructs and indicators of our theoretical framework meet the criteria, and find them to be a good fit based in SEM model made by smart PLS software. The analyses outputs suggest that there is significant impact of Green Training on Green Manufacturing and our hypotheses are supported, which further supports the extant literature. Research also suggest there is no significant mediating role of Firm Size on impact of green training on green manufacturing.
Theoretical and Practical Implications: Our present study is unique in terms of scope and contribution to apparel manufacturing theory and practice. The study has tested empirically the research calls of various researchers and extended them to green supply chain networks. Furthermore, researchers should continue to investigate green training, firm size and green manufacturing to understand its implication in apparel garment industry
Keywords: Green training, Green manufacturing, regression analyses and hypothesis testing.