1B.Tech Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics And Telecommunication Engineering
Priyadarshini College Of Engineering Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
2B.Tech Student, Department of Electronics And Telecommunication Engineering
Priyadarshini College Of Engineering Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
3B.Tech Student, Department of Electronics And Telecommunication Engineering
Priyadarshini College Of Engineering Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
4B.Tech Student, Department of Electronics And Telecommunication Engineering
Priyadarshini College Of Engineering Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
5 B.Tech Student, Department of Electronics And Telecommunication Engineering
Priyadarshini College Of Engineering Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
1tpakhidde@gmail.com, 2yashawachat88@gmail.com, 3prasenjitmate3@gmail.com, 4parjwalkakde@gmail.com
Abstract – The door has become an access point to a house where it is used for entering and exiting. Security is one of the crucial factors in a residence. Criminal activities often occur by tampering or breaking the lock system of the house door. Currently, the security of house doors generally still relies on wooden supports, handle locks, and sometimes the use of padlocks. Now, door security systems can be obtained through various methods, one of which is by implementing technology. Therefore, a smart lock door system was created using face recognition technology, specifically utilizing the ESP32-CAM module, integrated into the system, allowing the door to be unlocked using one's face as the password. Additionally, the smart lock door incorporates the assistance of a Telegram application, which serves to store detected images and act as a real-time monitor of the situation in front of the house. The methodology employed was a literature review, utilizing written sources to gather information, and a consultation method involving interactions with advisors and individuals possessing relevant knowledge or experience. The testing results indicate that the ESP32-CAM can be effectively utilized as a detector for the smart lock door system.
Keywords: ESP32-CAM, Microcontroller, Smart Door Lock, face recognition Technology, Telegram Application.