CO- AUTHOR: Dr. S. Rathika, Asso. Prof/Head,
Department of MBA, Prince Shri Venkateshwara Padmavathy Engineering College, Chennai- 127
GUIDE: Dr.S. Sara, Asso. Prof,
Department of MBA
This study conducted in TAFE LIMITED aims to assess the current conflict management practices within the organization. Conflict management involves the strategic process of identifying, addressing, and resolving conflicts effectively to foster a healthy work environment. It encompasses various strategies and techniques aimed at managing conflicts arising from miscommunication, differing perceptions, power dynamics, and cultural differences. The study focuses on evaluating the effectiveness of conflict resolution processes in minimizing disruption and promoting cooperation among employees. By addressing conflicts openly and constructively, organizations can enhance teamwork and achieve common goals and objectives.
The research design is used for the study was descriptive research design. The descriptive research means the research which is done to know the current situation of the study. The data has been collected using structured questionnaire. The sample taken for this study was 200 out of population 500 at TAFE LIMITED. The type of sampling technique used for the study was simple random sampling.
Conflict management plays a crucial role in enhancing organizational performance and success. Engaging in productive conflict resolution fosters a positive work environment, leading to increased employee satisfaction and overall profitability. Effective conflict management serves as a cornerstone HR practice, enabling companies to thrive in the competitive marketplace. A well-defined conflict management strategy outlines the approach to optimizing employee performance by addressing and resolving conflicts efficiently. Research supports the notion that employees who are equipped with the necessary resources to manage conflicts effectively tend to perform better. Therefore, conflict management within an organization is essential for achieving sustainable growth and success.