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Advanced Techniques for Creating Robust Restful Web Services in Java
Prathyusha Kosuru
Project Delivery Specialist
DOI: 10.55041/IJSREM8768
Abstract - This document focuses on how to build RESTful Web services in Java using specifically the SpringBoot framework. It provides techniques for creating services that are highly reliable, secure, versioned, and performant. To sum up, using the principles of REST and using correct HTTP methods and meaningful URIs allows the creation of high-quality, extensible, and maintainable web services. This examination is dedicated to the definition of the tangible concepts and approaches for achieving the successful RESTful service implementations (Fingann, 2020).
Index terms-
RESTful Web Services
Java Frameworks
Spring Boot
Security in RESTful Services
Versioning RESTful APIs
The most efficient caching, database, asynchronous processing, and security of RESTful services in the Spring Boot framework are also crucial. To enhance the speed of the application, developers should be able to use caching techniques, as well as use techniques such as database profiling and asynchronous processing. This also entails that the application is properly protected by authentication and authorization measures. It may prove to be useful in the formation or expansion of a retail channel or even just a mere retail store. By using the above practices, the developers can enhance the quality of the produced RESTful services to meet the current application needs as they improve on the user experience (Sabir et al., 2020).
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