C.P.Balaram Sujil1, D.Bhavya Sri2, K.Renuka3 , G.Bhanu Prakash4 , S.Neeraja5
[1-4]B.Tech Student , 5 Assistant Professor, LIET
[1-5] Computer Science and Systems Engineering, Lendi Institute of Engineering and Technology
ABSTRACT - At present, population rate in the main cities has increased tremendously. This has increased the production of waste. The management of huge volume of waste has become more difficult and challenging. The public dustbins are overflowing and have become nobody’s concern. Due to the lack of responsibility of the corporation people, the overflowing garbage wastes have created unhygienic surroundings and foul smell. So, to overcome this issue, smart dustbin is designed. This smart dustbin is built on Node MCU board and is interfaced with GSM, GPRS and sensors. The sensors are used to check the threshold level of the dustbin. The threshold levels are already set. If the garbage hits the mentioned threshold level, continuous alert is sent to the respective authority until the garbage is recovered and the externally fixed LED is changed into red color. Once, the garbage from the bin cleared the LED changes to green color. This alert system is triggered by the sensors to the GSM modem. By this facility, the higher authority will be able to take action on the irresponsible workers. Features like maps are used to locate the dustbins which make the authority to reach the location easily. Connectivity among the dustbins are given to establish communication among the bins and provides smart system. Thus, the implementation of smart dustbins will create a hygienic society and will make the management of waste easy. The negligence of authorities and the public may be reduced. A clean and disease free environment can be created.
Key Words: Smart Dustbin, Internet of Things, Node MCU,
Ultrasonic Sensors, GSM/GPRS, Blynk Application, Waste Management, Location Tracking.