Dr. Sneha Dhakite*
Assistant Professor, Department of Kayachikitsa, Dr.Vandanatai Jagannathrao Dhone Gramin Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Patur, Akola, Maharashtra, India
PhD Scholar, Department of Kayachikitsa, Mahatma Gandhi Ayurved College, Hospital & Research Centre, Constituent College of Datta Meghe Institute of Higher Education & Research (DMIHER), Sawangi, Wardha, Maharashtra, India
We are living in 21st century. External beauty matters much more than any other thing. Skin diseases are the most common disorder which occurs in all age group due to not following proper lifestyle. It is one of the alarming issues having tremendous social importance. Kushta is among the oldest known disorder to mankind. The skin disease in Ayurveda has been classified under the heading Kushta which is further classified as Maha Kushta and Kshudra Kushta. Kitibha Kushta is one of the types of Kshudra Kushta. Ayurveda provides long lasting and permanent treatment of skin disease which minimises the risk of recurrence of disease. Aim and Objectives: The present study was performed to see the effect of combination of Ayurvedic modalities on Kitibha Kushta. Material and Method: A 26-year-old male patient having brown colour rough to touch hard and dry in nature lesions on lower limb with itching from last 2 years has been successfully treated with Shodhan treatment (Vaman) along with Shaman treatment. The disease was treated with combination of Shodhan and Shaman chikitsa. Shaman chikitsa included internal medicines like Gandhak rasayan, Panchatikta ghrita after Shodhan chikitsa for 15 days and for local application Vetapalai oil and Atrisor cream was given for 1 month. Observation: The PASI score was 5.4 before treatment which came 0 after the treatment. Result: In the present case study after giving the Shodhan and Shaman chikitsa the patient got relived from the symptoms. Conclusion: By using the Ayurvedic modalities we can find much better result in case of Kushta.
Keywords: Kitibha, Guttate Psoriasis, Shodhan chikitsa, Shaman chikitsa.