Intelligent Tech Assistant Using Machine Learning
Vishakha P.Khairnar, Sakshi K.Apsunde, Aishwarya H.Mali, Shreyash A.Kamankar
Department of Computer Engineering
Pune Vidyarthi Griha’s College of Engineering &
S.S. Dhamankar Institute of Management
Project Guide: Prof. I. M. Shaikh
Abstract-The major aim of the Virtual Assistant is to simplify the human efforts, time and the basic errors along with enhancing the Human-Machine interaction using Natural Language commands. As the technology is developing day-by-day people are becoming more dependent on it, one of the mostly used platform is computer. The traditional way to give a command to a computer is through keyboard but a more convenient way is to give the command through voice. Giving input through voice is not only beneficial for the normal people but also for those who are physically impaired who are not able to give the input by using a keyboard. For this purpose, there is a need of voice assistant which can not only take command through voice but also executes the desired instruction and give the output in the voice or by performing the specified tasks.
Many IT Tech-Giants have used the dialogue-based system technology to establish various kind of Virtual Personal Assistants (VPA’s). Microsoft’s Cortana, Apple’s Siri, Amazon’s Alexa and the Google Assistant are the current most popular VPA which are using the voice dependent interaction.
A Personal Voice/Virtual Assistant is the software that can perform the task and provide different services to the individual as per the dictated commands. This is done through a synchronous process involving recognition of speech patterns and then responding synthetic speech. Through this based assistant a user can automate tasks ranging from automating the mails using voice, tasks management like setting a reminder and media playback and much more but it will not be limited to this as the features like Browser Automation, WhatsApp Automation, Gesture controlled mouse, Sign language recognition for impaired people which can ease their task.
Keywords: Voice Assistant, Sign Language recognition, Automation, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Gesture controlled Mouse.