Performance and Emission Characteristics Study of Bio Diesel (Mahua Seed) – Diesel Blends in CI Engines
Rajkumar S R1, Sujin M2, Jeshvin G Sekhar3, Pearlson Prasanna Raja4, J.Shajan5
1,2Assistant Professor, 3,4,5UG Students
1, 2,3,4,5Department of Mechanical Engineering
Stella Mary’s College of Engineering
Aruthenganvilai, Azhikal Post, Kanya kumari district, Tamil Nadu, India
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ABSTRACT - Nowadays, the interest of researchers from all over the world is growing largely in eco- new line friendly bio-fuel (bio-diesel), especially in the countries like India which are still in their new line development phase. Bio-diesel can be prepared from edible or non-edible vegetable oils by newline heir trans-esterification using low molecular alcohols. These bio-diesels can be blended with newline mineral diesel in different proportion to get an efficient bio-fuel blend. In the recent years, a newline significant amount of research has been done on the single bio-diesel and mineral diesel newline blend as a bio-fuel. On the other hand, a limited amount of work is reported in the field of newline bio-fuel prepared by mixing of two bio-diesels with mineral diesel. Therefore, there is good newline scope to further study and research in this area. This present research work was carried out in newlinetwo phases. In the first phase two suitable bio-diesels were selected after literature survey to newline prepare dual bio-fuel as an alternate fuel to conventional mineral diesel. Further, two step newline trans-esterification method was employed and reaction parameters were varied to produce newline improved quality dual bio-fuel sample blends. The physicochemical properties were analyzed newline for the various sample blends and the samples with better quality were recommended for newline testing on a varying compression ratio engine for combustion and emission characterization. Newline The second phase of research work included the performance of engine and emission newline characterization of the dual bio-fuel samples prepared. Mahua (Madhuca indica) newline seed oil has production capacity of approximately 60 MT in India, which has oil content near newline to 35-40% and heat content value almost near to that of conventional diesel.
Keywords: Madhuca indica, Blended oil, Engine Performance