Role of Architectural Elements in Existing Sacred Structures to Experience Spirituality
Ar. BUVANENDRAN.A.K – II nd Year, M.Arch, PMIST, Thanjavur.
Department of architecture faculty of architecture and planning
Periyar maniammai institute of science & technology, vallam, thanjavur
Thanjavur, India
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Ar.V.Kalaichelvan –Professor, PMIST, Thanjavur.
Department of architecture faculty of architecture and planning
Periyar maniammai institute of science & technology, vallam, thanjavur
Thanjavur, India
Abstract— Religion has a large role in our lives and has played an important role in forming our civilization. In our past days mostly, they follow traditional materials and design style to build the environment. Our countries' socio-cultural religious and worship systems are influenced by this. Every religion has an organized set of ideas and practices that are generally shared by a whole community. Architecture has been reflected most powerfully in religious spaces throughout history and has become an influential location in every community. It covers the design and building of places of worship or sacred spaces. Sacral Architecture has in common that it evokes a feeling of timelessness and encourages visitors' faith and belief. More individuals are adopting the new lifestyle of establishing religious and secular areas free of religious bias - a place of faith. We have a huge chance to construct a new typology of space that embraces the concept of the holy, and elicits the same feelings and ideas. The role of these places may begin to take on a new shape through form, space, size, materiality, and light, one that today's society can benefit from. Exploring Sacred Attributes through Case Studies and literature study. Mostly sacred spaces are combined with natural elements because it evokes positivity in which factors can create a sacred place is the focus of our study. This paper aims to study the sacred attributes and to analyze the existing structures and to experience spirituality. Qualitative method of research is used with case studies.
Keywords - Sacral Architecture, Sacred Spaces, Spirituality, Cultural Spaces, Religious Spaces.