Seeing Through Walls with Wi-Fi: Wi Vi Technology and its Security Implications
Shubham Rana1, Dr.AvadheshKumar Gupta2
Student of computer application1, Dean of computer application2
Department of Chandigarh School of Business Chandigarh groups of colleges Jhanjeri, Mohali, India
ranashubham324@gmail.com1 ,dr.avadheshgupta@gmail.com2
Abstract- The technology known as WI- FI, or wireless networking, allows users to connect to the internet wirelessly “Wi-Fi" sis the acronym for “WIRELESS FIDELITY. “Data is transferred between transmitters and receivers using Wi-Fi waves. WI-VI (WIRELESS VISION) is a new technology introduced by WI-FI. WIVI is a device that uses WI-FI signals to see through any object on the wall. In a closed room, we can detect the number of moving humans. In the future, we will concentrate on detecting more than three moving objects using WI-FI signals. WI- VI can detect people's gestures and relative location via the WI-FI signal. WIVI technology can be utilized in the tax department to detect black money and weapons, as well as for security purpose. Wivi is used for defense at home. Wivi technology can help us with door-face detection. Within a limited radius of no more than 1000 square feet, Wi-Fi is linked to Wi-Fi. Wi-Vi technology can also be used to assist in paramedic circumstances, like a land slide. Wi-Fi, a popular technology, is nothing more than an information channel between transmitter and receiver. We demonstrate in this work that Wi-Fi can also extend our senses, allowing us to view moving objects across walls and behind closed doors. So, can Wi-Fi signals be used to identify persons in a closed room based on their
Relative location? Yes, we Through the use of a technology known as Wi-Vi, things in Confined rooms can be identified. Simple movements can also be identified and combined behind the wall to express messages. This introduces two major changes. Initially, MIMO interference nulling is used to reduce static object reflections and focus on moving objects. It then demonstrates how to follow a human by treating.
Keyword- Wi-Fi Sensing, Through-Wall Imaging, MIMO Interference Nulling, Object Detection, Moving Object, wivi, Detection, Human Gesture Recognition, Indoor Localization