Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

1.Copyright Agreement

The Journal undertakes to publish the Contribution, subject to approval by the editor(s), in its Journal named above. In consideration of such publication, you hereby grant and assign to the Journal the entire copyright in the Contribution, including any and all rights of whatever kind or nature now or hereafter protected by the copyright laws of India and of all foreign countries, in all languages and forms of communication. If the Contribution is deemed unacceptable or Publication, you will be notified, and all rights will revert to you.

2.Grant of Rights to Authors

The Journal grants to you the following nonexclusive rights, subject to your giving proper credit to the original publication of the Contribution in the Journal, including reproducing the exact copyright notice as it appears in the Journal:
(i) to reprint or reproduce (electronic) the Contribution, in whole or in part, in any book, article, or other scholarly work of which you are the author or editor,
(ii) to use the Contribution for teaching purposes in your classes, including making multiple copies for all students, either as individual copies or as part of a printed course pack, provided that these are to be used solely for classes you teach,
(iii) to post a copy of the Contribution on your personal or institutional Web server, provided that the server is non-commercial and there are no charges for access, and
(iv) to deposit a copy of the Contribution in a non-commercial data repository maintained by an institution of which you are a member, after the embargo period identified in the Guidelines and provided all relevant conditions described in the Guidelines have been met.
The rights granted in clauses (i) and (ii) above are intended to benefit the original creators of the Contribution only. Accordingly, if you claim ownership of or rights in the Contribution because it was created by your employee or as a work made for hire, as defined in the Copyright Act, the rights granted in clauses (i) and (ii) above shall not apply to you, and you must contact the Press for permission to make these uses.

3.Warranties and Indemnifications

You warrant to the Journal as follows:
(i) that the Contribution is your original work.
(ii) that it contains no matter which is defamatory or is otherwise unlawful or which invades rights of privacy or publicity or infringes any proprietary right (including copyright);
(iii) that you have the right to assign the copyright to the Journal and that no portion of the copyright to the Contribution has been assigned previously; and
(iv) that the Contribution has not been published elsewhere in whole or in part (except as may be set out in a rider annexed hereto and signed by the Journal) and that no agreement to publish is outstanding other than this agreement. You agree to indemnify and hold the journal, its editors and staff and affiliate organisations harmless against any claim arising from or related to the breach or inaccuracy of any of the warranties listed above.

important note: The journals published before the date of 31st Dec 2019 will refund fully due to internal issue and data last.  to withdraws his or her paper from consideration; Author needs to contact with the account details for refund. In order this statement, notification was circulated from 24th Dec 2019 to 02nd March 2020 though the journal website ijsrem.com. Resubmission, rewrite and changes will not do the papers which were published before 31st Dec 2019.

4.Requirements for Publication

(a) (a) You agree to prepare and revise the Contribution according to the instructions of the editors and to meet all other requirements for publication communicated to you by the editors. It is your responsibility to determine whether the Contribution includes material that requires written permission for publication in the Journal, including any material that is supplementary or ancillary to the Contribution; to obtain such permission, at your own expense, from the copyright owner; and to submit that permission to the editors with the manuscript and (b) Journal Namely IJSREM won’t publish the articles for Phd Students, Industrial employees for their inclusion in CV etc. If submitted without intimating, Journal authority have rights to remove the article. (b) You agree to Pay a ‘one off administrative fee’, as listed on the Journal website for any specific editorial work to support publication of your article (e.g. photos, non-standard formatting, etc). On publication of your article, you agree that no further obligations are due to you as author, this includes free copies of paper journal.

(5. 5. You agree to indemnify us from any action relating to your article or any subsequent comments you make with respect to your article

This section refers to any press releases, articles, book announcements / reviews, events and background information published by International Journal of Innovation Creativity and Change (herein referred to as ‘IJSREM’) or any associated publication, in any form – email, online, third party content syndication, feeds and print – on the following general terms which supersede and cancel all previous terms and conditions.

The website (referred to as the “Website” in these terms and conditions) is the Website operated by IJSREM with the domain name www.ijsrem.com

Any publication together with all update’s revisions and additions and any subsequent contributions made to IJSREM by the same author (hereafter defined as “the Contribution” and the “Contributor” respectively) is accepted subject to the terms and conditions set out below. By submitting a Contribution, and /or by ‘indicating’ that the required “terms and conditions” are understood and accepted on electronic submission to the website, a Contributor will be deemed to have accepted these terms and conditions.

The Contributor grants to IJSREM.COM for the full term of copyright in the Contribution and any extensions thereto the non-exclusive license: Ownership of copyright remains with the Contributor.
To publish, reproduce, distribute, display and store the Contribution in all forms, formats and media whether now known or hereafter developed (including without limitation in print, digital and electronic form) throughout the world.
To translate the Contribution into other languages, create adaptations, summaries or extracts of the Contribution or other derivative works based on the Contribution and exercise all of the rights set forth in 1. above in such translations, adaptations, summaries, extracts and derivative works; and
To license others to do any or all of the above
The Contributor retains the non-exclusive right to re-use figures or tables created by them and contained in the Contribution in other works created by them.
The Contributor warrants and represents that:

The Contributor is the sole author of and sole owner of the copyright in the Contribution. If the Contribution includes materials of others, the Contributor has obtained the permission of the owners of the copyright in all such materials to enable them to grant the rights contained herein.

These conditions and any agreement in which they are incorporated, shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Indian law and the Contributor hereby submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Indian Courts Tirupati Area, Andhra Pradesh.
All of the facts contained in the Contribution are true and accurate.
Nothing in the Contribution is obscene, defamatory, libelous, violates any right of privacy or infringes any intellectual property rights (including without limitation copyright, patent or trademark) or any other human, personal or other rights of any person or entity or is otherwise unlawful.
Nothing in the Contribution infringes any duty of confidentiality which the Contributor may owe to anyone else or violates any contract, express or implied, of the Contributor, and all of the institutions in which work recorded in the Contribution was carried out have authorized publication of the Contribution.
The contributor agrees to hold IJSREM a harmless and indemnify IJSREM and their subsidiaries or affiliates, against any claim, demand, action, suit proceeding, or any expense whatsoever arising from claims of infringement of copyright or proprietary right, or claims of libel, obscenity, invasion of privacy, or any other unlawfulness based upon or arising out of the publication or any matter pertaining to the Work.

Last Updated: 21/10/2022 at 11:11 AM