An Android Application for Attendance Using Geofencing
Pranita Patil 1, Srushti Ringe 2, Pratik Gaikwad 3 , Pranav Mahajan 4 , Prof.Savita Mogare5
ppranita987@gmail.com1 , srushtiringe 2, 3 , 4 , savita.mogare@sitrc.org5
Department of Information Technology
Sandip Institute of Technology and Research Centre
Tracking student attendance is an important part of education. This process can be tiring and time consuming. We believe that automation can be achieved by using the technology available in the learning infrastructure and users' smartphones. Today, smartphones can receive various types of signals from the air using radio frequency technology (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, mobile phones, etc.). Additionally, the smartphone receives information from the transmitter and can measure the received power. We believe that these signals can be used in most tracking classes because they reveal the location of the user's device. The system is designed to allow students' classroom smartphones to generate "location proof" based on radio frequency fingerprints printed by their devices and used to verify their location. In this paper, we aim to establish robust and privacy-conscious engagement using Wi-Fi access in schools, including teachers and students learning on smartphones. Our system is unique because it requires no effort from the system user. It also protects privacy because the application server has no knowledge of the user's identity or class position. The author's goal is to create an Android application that can be used to manage and track employee attendance. Research. The author uses UML (Unified Modeling Language) to design the application.
However, the development process is a spiral process that includes customer evaluation, planning, risk assessment, engineering, construction and disposal phases. Kodular framework and Airtable database were used to develop Android based attendance application. The result of the research is an Android attendance app that makes it easy for employees to participate and instantly track employee engagement using Android smartphones.
Key Words: Mobile, Android, Secure Attendance, GPS, Fingerprint, Locationbased service, time and attendance system, sending SMS.