A Study of Professional Jealousy in Education System
Assistant Professor
Shri Gavisiddeshwar College of Educaton.Koppal-583231.Karnataka,India.
Email: nmhuddar@gmail.com
Abstract: The professional life of teacher connected with institution, colleagues and students. Every individual teacher is unique and different. But this individuality may be criticized by other colleague. The present study focus on’professioal jealousy among secondary school teachers. The study revealed that a significant difference was observed between government and private school teachers with respect to professional jealousy scores (t=--3.6442 , p<0.05) at 5% level of significance. Hence, the hypothesis is rejected. The alternative hypothesis is accepted It means that, professional jealousy scores are significantly higher private schools as compare to government secondary schools and a significant difference was observed between junior and senior teachers of secondary school teachers with respect professional jealousy scores (t=-2.6975 , p<0.05) at 5% level of significance. Hence, the hypothesis is rejected. It means that, professional jealousy scores are significantly higher among juniors as compare to senior teachers and asignificant difference was observed between head masters and assistant teachers with respct to professional jealousy scores (t= -3.3811 , p<0.05) at 5% level of significance. Hence, the hypothesis is rejected. It means that, professional jealousy scores are significantly higher among assistant teachers as compare to head masters.It is concluded that The private secondary school teachers and juniors and assistant teachers suffering lot because of professional jealousy of their colleagues. Hence these teachers need to be taken care and guided. The institutions and organizations heads and management should also need to be guided properly.The special guide lines should be framed to control the negative effect of professional jealousy .
Key words: Career, Collabration, Compare, Compitation,J ealousy, Professional, Undermining
DOI: 10.55041/IJSREM39205