Bioadsorbent effect of Abutilon indicum, L., on paper mill effluent and its impact on the Physico chemical characteristics of Lycopersicum esculentum, Mill.
Murugalakshmi Kumari.R
Department of Botany, V.V. Vanniaperumal College for Women, (Autonomous), Virudhunagar-626001,
Tamil Nadu, India. Email id:
Phytoremediation is the use of plant’s natural ability to degrade, or remove toxic chemicals and pollutants from soil or water. In this regard, phytoremediation study was carried out by the biomass of commonly available weed plant Abutilon indicum, L. in different concentrations (0.5%, 1%, 1.5% and 2% (w/v)) with 30% (v/v) concentration of paper mill effluent on the growth and biochemical characteristics of Lycopersicum esculentum, Mill. After the phytotreatment of paper mill effluent with Abutilon indicum, L all the physicochemical parameters especially, total dissolved solids, biological oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, electrical conductivity and oil and grease were significantly reduced when compared to the untreated paper mill effluent. The beneficial effects of the phytotreated paper mill effluent were studied by treating the seedlings of Lycopersicum esculentum, Mill. from the 7th day of sowing and continued till 21st day; then the seedlings of Lycopersicum esculentum were analyzed for their growth and biochemical characteristics and compared with the control maintained with water and 30% effluent. The growth and biochemical characteristics were found to be improved significantly than with the application of untreated paper mill effluent. The photosynthetic pigment content such as chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll, carotenoid, soluble sugar and protein contents were increased after the application of phytotreated effluent. But as a contrast, anthocyanin, aminoacid, proline, leaf nitrate, total phenol and enzyme activities such as catalase and peroxidase were found to be reduced in the phytoremediated effluent treated seedlings. In the present study, it is concluded that, Abutilon indicum, L., is a suitable alternate for the remediation of paper mill effluent by reducing all the pollutants from the effluent and relieved the experimental plants from stress.