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- Create Date 14/05/2024
- Last Updated 14/05/2024
Dare To Donate Application (An E-Blood Bank System)
Kavana Kumari L 1, Aishwarya P2, Nidhi S Kumar 3, Dheemanth R4, Shivakumar M 5
1 Assistant professor, Computer Science Engineering (Artificial Intelligence and
Machine Learning) Department, Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering
2 Undergraduate Student, Computer Science Engineering (Artificial Intelligence and
Machine Learning), Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering
3 Undergraduate Student, Computer Science Engineering (Artificial Intelligence and
Machine Learning) Department, Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering
4 Undergraduate Student, Computer Science Engineering (Artificial Intelligence and
Machine Learning) Department, Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering
5 Undergraduate Student, Computer Science Engineering (Artificial Intelligence and
Machine Learning) Department, Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering
Abstract -
Dare To Donate application is a comprehensive online platform aimed at optimizing blood donation processes by prioritizing the referral of active blood donors and conducting thorough analyses of donor data. This system focuses on improving the efficiency of blood donation networks to ensure a consistent and sustainable blood supply for healthcare institutions. Its key feature involves a user-friendly interface allowing potential donors to register and create profiles, providing essential information on blood type, availability, and willingness to donate. Intelligent algorithms match donor profiles with real-time blood demand, facilitating targeted referral notifications. The system also integrates advanced analytics tools to comprehensively analyse donor data, including tracking donation histories, identifying supply and demand trends, and generating insights into active donor demographics. These analytical capabilities empower blood banks and healthcare authorities to make informed decisions, strategize donation campaigns, and optimize resource allocation for better emergency preparedness. In summary, the E-Blood Bank System serves as a platform for connecting active blood donors with those in need, offering critical insights through data analysis to enhance the efficiency and sustainability of blood donation networks, ultimately contributing to saving lives and improving healthcare outcomes. This collaborative approach enhances coordination during emergencies and enables a swift response to fluctuating blood demands, thereby saving valuable time and potentially lives. In conclusion, the E-Blood Bank System represents a paradigm shift in blood donation management, harnessing the power of technology and data analytics to revolutionize the way blood supply is managed. By fostering a culture of continuous improvement and innovation, it promises to address the evolving challenges faced by blood banks and contribute significantly to the advancement of healthcare delivery systems worldwide.
Key Words: blood donation, demographics, active donors, analytics, sustainability, healthcare outcomes, evolving challenges, blood supply.