Eco Carbon Navigator for Tracking Carbon Emission in Computing Systems
DhanasekarK1 R a n j i t h M2 Rishikess P3 Praise EJ4 Manojkumar B5
1. AssistantProfessor,ComputerScienceandEngineeringDepartment,JaiShriramEngineeringCollege,Tirupur
2. UGStudent,ComputerScienceandEngineeringDepartment,JaiShriramEngineeringCollege,Tirupur
3. UGStudent,ComputerScienceandEngineeringDepartment,JaiShriramEngineeringCollege,Tirupur
4. UGStudent,ComputerScienceandEngineeringDepartment,JaiShriramEngineeringCollege,Tirupur
5. UGStudent,ComputerScienceandEngineeringDepartment,JaiShriramEngineeringCollege,Tirupur
The goal of the Eco Carbon Navigator project is to provide an effective and user-friendly application that will help people track and lessen their carbon footprint. It is now essential to monitor and reduce one's own carbon emissions in light of the growing environmental concerns in order to promote a sustainable future. This creative initiative gives people the ability to make knowledgeable judgments about their lifestyle choices by utilizing state-of-the-art technologies. The Eco Carbon Navigator offers real-time feedback on a range of factors that contribute to carbon emissions, such as energy use, food choices, and transportation, through user-friendly interfaces and thorough data analysis. Users may easily identify areas for improvement and implement real adjustments to reduce their environmental impact by using individualized insights and recommendations.In addition, the Eco Carbon Navigator incorporates social networking functions to promote a feeling of community and group efforts. The project's influence can be increased beyond individual efforts by allowing users to collaborate on sustainability initiatives, interact with peers, and share accomplishments.
Tracker project is to transform how people view andplanthealthmonitoringbyexpandingitscoveragetoincludeavarietyofvegetables andautomatingdiseasediagnosis.
Carbon footprint, data analysis, emission reduction