Mr.G.S.Naidu 1 , Mr.Manyam Vara Prasad2 , Ms.Boddu Swathi Durga3 , Mr.Kethineedi Hari Someswararao4 , Mr.Chavithi Jayaraju5
1Mr.G.S.Naidu(M.Tech) , Assistant Professor , Department Of Electrical and Electronics Engineering , Raghu Engineering College[REC]
2Mr.Manyam Vara Prasad , Student , Department Of Electrical and Electronics Engineering , Raghu Engineering College[REC]
3Ms.Boddu Swathi Durga , Student , Department Of Electrical and Electronics Engineering , Raghu Engineering College[REC]
4Mr.Kethineedi Hari Someswararao , Student , Department Of Electrical and Electronics Engineering , Raghu Engineering College[REC]
5Mr.Chavithi Jayaraju , Student , Department Of Electrical and Electronics Engineering , Raghu Engineering College[REC]
Abstract:- The new age of electricity generation is renewable energy. There is no other room, but to use renewable resources in energy generation to make the planet safer, and sustainable for the future. Renewable resources come in a variety of ways, but solar energy is by far the most practical. These days, solar panels are widely used due to their ease of use, accessibility, and efficiency in producing power. This Project mainly represents the simulation of compact design of a grid-tied solar system for energy production. Several fundamental characteristics, including temperature, irradiance, voltage, and current, affect the efficiency of a solar panel. Hence sudden change in any of these parameters leads drop in power and voltage. The precept aim is to improve the output voltage of PV array and boost converter there by reducing the harmonic content in grid current. The main points discussed here are the MPP tracking algorithm, the synchronization of the inverter and the connection to the grid. Tracking the dc voltage and current allows MPP calculation which gives the inverter to function efficiently.
Key Words:- Grid Connected PV Systems, DC-DC Boost Converter, Inverter, Harmonic Filter, MPPT and Phase Locked Loop(PLL).