Workplace Culture and Organizational Behaviour Through a Literary Lens: A Social Science Perspective
Assistant professor
Rv Institute of Technology
2) Dr. E. Raghava Chaitanya..
Department of Commerce
Osmania University
3) K.Pavan Prem Kumar
Assistant professor
H.R. and Marketing (MANAGEMENT)
Sri Sai college of I.T and Management
4) G V Lakshmi
Associate professor,
Aditya university,
5) Prathyusha Reddy Ganta
Executive - HR (MRPL-ONGC) & Research Scholar (Osmania University)
Human Resource
6) Dr.Sunil Singarapu
Associate Professor
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Chaitanya Deemed to be University.Hyderabad
7) Sofia Banu
Assistant Professor
PVKKIT College Anantapur
Workplace culture together with organizational behavior functions as essential elements for explaining how people experience their working environments. Literature functions as a tool to observe organizational environments through works which dissect and replicate social dynamics of workplaces as well as leadership patterns and power relationships. The research examines workplace culture and organizational behavior representations in literature through a social science lens while identifying corresponding actual workplace scenarios. The analysis of novels and plays and short stories operates to explain how authors show the fundamental psychological and sociological and cultural elements controlling actions in organizations. Both literature serves as a reflection of societal structures and it functions as a tool which shapes work-related public perceptions. As an organizational behavior investigation this research analyzes internal workplace elements through the theoretical concepts found in existing published works. Through their analysis the study shows that literary literature reveals decisive understanding of the issues encountered alongside possible improvements within different organizational settings. This paper connects organizational behavior theories to literature to create a more extensive comprehension of workplace dynamics evaluated through social science principles.
Workplace culture, Organizational behavior, Literature, Social science, Leadership